Sunday 26 April 2009

What Happened Birthday April 27

Today is April 27, the 117th day. There are 248 days left in the year.
Did you ever wonder what happened on your birthday April 27? What famous person was born on your birthday, what historical event took place on the day you were born, or what special celebrations took place during your birth month? This blog offers information about historical happenings and famous birthdays
For the definitive list,click the link
April 27 Events

What Happened on my Birthday April 27 in US

1865, the steamer Sultana exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tenn., killing more than 1,400 people, mostly freed Union prisoners of war.
1937 US Social Security system made its 1st benefit payment
1964 John Lennon's "In His Own Write" was published in US
1973, acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray resigned after it was revealed that he had handed over bureau files on the Watergate burglary to the Nixon White House.
1978, convicted Watergate defendant John D. Ehrlichman was released from an Arizona prison after serving 18 months. Fifty-one construction workers plunged to their deaths when a scaffold inside a cooling tower at the Pleasants Power Station site in West Virginia fell 168 feet to the ground.

What Happened on my Birthday April 27 in UK and Elsewhere

1509, Pope Julius II placed the Republic of Venice under an interdict following its refusal to give up lands claimed by the Papal States. (The pope lifted the sanction the following year.)
1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines.
1570 Pope Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I.
1773 British Parliament passed Tea Act that 8 months later led to the Boston Tea Party on 16 December of that year
1828 Zoological Gardens at Regent's Park London, opened
1908 4th modern Olympic games opened in London
1967, Expo '67 was officially opened in Montreal by Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson.
1981 Beatle Ringo Starr married actress Barbara Bach

Famous Birthdays April 27

1791 Samuel Morse (telegraph inventor) See Picture above
1822 Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States
1922 Jack Klugman, Actor .
1944 Michael Fish, British TV weatherman
1959 Sheena Easton, Pop singer

Birthday poems for those born on April 27

(Harry), you're so dotty
But do you cut a dash, or what?
Your birthday's shared with Samuel Morse
So that explains a lot

(Susie), you're stunning looking
And your singing's really hot, (not)
Your birthday's shared with Sheena Easton,
So that explains a lot

For more, click the link

What Happened on my Birthday April 27

This 'What Happened on my Birthday April 27' blog entry is copyright Jon Bratton 2009

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